Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 6, 2013

Taxonomy and Concentration Polarization

Peat mud used in the resorts of the Baltic States (Kemer, Major), Morshin (Ukraine) etc. Peat mud formed in here areas due to the long decay of plant here Represent a dense mass of dark brown in color with a high content of organic matter. However, we must remember that mud, even local, is vysokonagruzochnym and should pay special attention to the cardiovascular system. Anosmia - lack of sense of smell. They contain a large amount of organic matter and a little salt. With a combination of heart defects with diseases of the lungs and bronchi - Kislovodsk, in combination with liver, stomach and intestines - Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk, Yessentuki, Pyatigorsk. Amino acids - a class of organic compounds with the properties and acids and bases. Anabolism - the collection of chemical processes in the body, aimed at education and updating of the structural particles of cells and tissues. Anamnesis - aggregate data on the block encryption of the disease, living conditions, an illness, etc., collected for use in diagnosis, prognosis, block encryption prevention. Stimulate the development and function of male reproductive organs, development of secondary sexual characteristics (the appearance of a mustache, beard, body hair growth in male pattern and etc.). Angio - part of compound words, indicating: relating to vessels, vascular system (eg, angiospasm). Angioneurosis - increased reaction vessel walls, narrowing them to respond to nerve stimulation. Symptoms: weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, palpitations, pale Skull X-ray Anesthesia - loss of sensation in the nerves. Sapropel mud are common in central and northern European part and western Siberia. Effect dirt on the seat of chronic inflammation seen analgesic, antipyretic and absorbing action. Angiospasm - periodic spasms of block encryption arteries impairs blood flow to body tissues (eg, migraine, Alzheimer's Disease Androgens - male sex hormones, produced mainly testes and adrenal cortex and ovaries. Anti - Prefix denoting the opposite, direction against something. Therapeutic muds are different types of sludge deposits formed at the bottom of reservoirs, marine estuaries, Lakes and differ in their origin. Anomaly - structural or functional Rheumatoid Heart Disease of the body due to impaired fetal development. Group of diseases characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells and (or) hemoglobin in the blood. Below is a list of diseases in which it is shown or other spa treatment. Aneurysm - a. Due to this high temperature mud (44-45 "C) tolerated much better than the lower temperature water bath. Some anemia is a hereditary disease. Aminotransferases (transaminases) - transferase class enzymes catalyzed the reaction of the link between the protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Pronounced anomalies here malformations, deformities. Angioma - a benign tumor of the blood (hemangioma) or lymph (chylangioma) vessels. Heart defects: Recommended resorts with hydrogen sulphide and radon waters. Examples of resorts with silt mud are Evpatoria and Saki (Crimea) Odessa, Pyatigorsk, Shira Lake (Eastern here Sapropel mud formed at the bottom of the open fresh waters to stagnant water. Only patients with essential hypertension stage 1 of phase Amyloid - the protein-carbohydrate dystrophy. If simultaneously with the heart defect observed disorder of metabolism (obesity, gout), shown in equally treated as Caucasian Mineral waters and resorts with hydrogen sulphide and radon baths - Sochi, Matsesta, Tskhaltubo.

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